If you’re a runner, whether that be a beginner or a pro, and you’re thinking about getting a Sports Massage but not sure if it will be beneficial towards you, think no further! A Sports massage may just help you beat your best time.
Feel as if you have tense muscles whilst running? A Sports Massage will help get rid of that unneeded tension and improve your movement, and even improve your range of motion, resulting in a run that feels good on your body. Sports Massage does not only benefit you before a run, but helps after your sprint as well, as it helps greatly with recovery and stretching sore muscles.
A major overlooked benefit of Sports Massage for runners is pain relief. Greg Lehman, an award-winning physiotherapist and chiropractor, says the following:
“Pain changes how we function and can even inhibit healing. Massage may also help with recovery after a workout and may help get us out of a stress dominated state of our nervous system.”
This brings forward a commonly overlooked part of training: relaxation. Stress can greatly affect your running performance. According to the Health and Safety Executive, up to half a million people in the UK have work related stress, and up to 5 million people in the UK are ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ stressed through work. By receiving a Sports Massage, your body is bound to be relaxed and improved, ridding your body of unwanted stress and making for a healthy and enjoyable running experience.

When is the best time to schedule a Sports Massage?
A day or two before a big race or a scenic run with friends is a great time to get a Sports Massage. Your therapist will leave you feeling light and energetic, and ready to take on any running challenge that comes your way. If you prefer receiving a Sports Massage after your big run, that’s fine too! However, it’s important to wait a couple days, as your body has just undergone a major workout. Your Massage will be on the lighter side, as to not strain any muscles further and help speed up your recovery time.
Want to get the absolute most out of your Sports Massage? Warming up your muscles right before receiving a Massage is ideal for your body and helps your therapist begin therapeutic work quickly, making for less shock and strain to the muscles. Kim Davis, CEO of RunLab, says the following:
“Think of your muscles like gum; the warmer they are, the more pliable they are, and easier to work with and you’ll get more bang for your buck out of your Massage session.”
The best way to warm up your muscles before a session is either a short jog or walk.
Every runner has different Sports Massage needs, and it’s always important to keep in mind that maintenance is a must. Whether you’re training for the London marathon next year or simply going on a quick run around your block, Sports Massage can help with your running needs, prevent future injuries, and help make you a faster runner with no extra stress weighing you down.
Our therapists are here for your running needs, and here to meet you, anytime and anywhere, to improve your running experience.
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