As a semi professional football player, Adam is highly experienced in endurance, speed and agility training. These fundamental fitness attributes are hugely beneficial to anyone trying to lose body fat, tone muscle and improve general fitness levels. Check out his Q&A below.
What is your biggest client success story?
A client that comes to mind was a lady who came to me for a gym induction in July last year. During the induction we had a good chat about her reasons for wanting to exercise, in which she explained that she was beginning to feel very self conscious and uncomfortable when out with friends. It got to the point where she began to make excuses so she didn’t have to go out. Before we started training she weighed 12st 12lbs, had no eating routine, did very little exercise and lived an extremely unhealthy lifestyle.
We started with the basics bodyweight exercises and short interval training. We soon then began to incorporate a lot more weight into our HIIT sessions and finished each session off with a good few rounds of tabata (high intensity interval training). In just over 7 months and not without a few bumps in the road just over 3st, now weighing 9st 8lb. During this time I saw her self confidence massively improve to the point where she even wore a bikini on holiday for the first time this summer. Even though she is happy with her transformation and now has a balanced healthy lifestyle I still see her once a week to put her through her paces!
What do you enjoy about being a part of the TruBe Team?
Being part of the first on demand fitness service is one of the most exciting and enjoyable things for me. Working alongside a strong team really drives you on and brings out the best in you as a trainer which has your clients reaping the benefits and getting their desired results.

What was your last health and fitness obstacle and how did you overcome it?
I’ve have been fairly fortunate as I haven’t really suffered any serious injuries as of yet. My only really health obstacle is attempting to put on weight or bulk up. I have a very high metabolism, coupled with all of my own training this is a real challenge. I have increased my meals and calorie intake daily and I’m slowly going in the right direction. I just try to remind myself that it’s a marathon not a sprint.
Your favourite piece of TruBe equipment?
For me your body is the best bit of equipment and I believe that everyone should be able to push and pull their own bodyweight. In keeping with that I love to use the suspension trainer it is the best piece of kit to utilizing your own bodyweight.
How do you treat yourself?
I treat myself by doing the things I enjoy as much as I can. Football is a big part of my life, playing at semi-professional level from the age of 16. I play matches twice a week, train once a week and squeeze gym workouts in between clients. When the rare occasion to have a lie in occurs I make the most of it with a good breakfast and a brew.

I do like to let loose every so often on a saturday night after games with a couple of beers….. yes just a couple I promise! 😉
What is your favourite instagram account to follow?
As strange as this may sound to some I’m very new to Instagram as I feel a lot of people’s time is wasted constantly looking down at their phones and the world just passes them by. Having said that my favourite instagram to follow would be @FreshFitnessFood.
What is your favourite motivational quote?
The one I use during sessions is, “It’s your workout and you will get out of it what you put in”
What is the best piece of advice you have received from a mentor?
Find what’s right for you by doing what you believe in and train yourself in the same way. Take bits of everything you learn and mould it into your own as you are your own brand and the rest will take care of itself.
To book a session with Adam, download the app and find him as one of our featured trainers.