Hey TruBe’ers,
So as it’s getting colder, we’re eating more and spending more time with family and friends and most likely away from our fitness (but we all need little breaks right?) here are some of my top tips to keep yourself out of the “Holiday Blues!”
1 – Start your day with a big breath
The biggest inhale and stretch followed by a positive thought or affirmation, one that works for me is “You did not wake up just to have just another day, go get it!.”
A big inhale will help to wake you up and clear that morning grog. It make take a few, but trust someone that wakes up at 4.30am most days, it works!
2 – Try to keep some routine
Setting an alarm or showering first thing in the morning instead of going downstairs in your pyjamas – that way you’re sure to be ready to go whatever the situation. There is always that dreaded first alarm back after a holiday or a break and I don’t think there is any harm in waking up a little earlier than you naturally would to seize the day.
There is a lot of research on how breaking sleeping patterns doesn’t do us any good (a quick bit of info can be found in Deliciously Ella’s podcast – episode “Why we sleep” with expert Matthew Walker.)
3 – You don’t need to go to all the holiday parties
A break from work should be just that, if you skip a night out for a night in the bath – so what, your body and hangover will love you for it and if you are staying in, make it worth it. Epsom salts for muscle relaxation, candles cause they’re pretty and a tipple of your choice – bliss.
4 – Put your phone away
When you do attend gatherings with family and friends, soak up that time with them, before you know it you will all be back in your regular routine, there is no time like the present!
Put your phone away, really listen and enjoy the time together.
5 – Step out of your comfort zone
One to bear in mind, is that lots of people don’t have family to spend time with. Around 200,000 elderly people spend Christmas alone this year which is heartbreaking, perhaps passing on a smile or a quick conversation with someone could make their day and yours.
It doesn’t cost anything to be kind and usually results in a good giggle or two. Being our wonderful British selves, the weather is always a good topic.
6 – Try new and different trainers
If you do get worried about slipping out of your fitness routine, TruBe gives you the best solution, your usual trainer may be on holiday but there are plenty more of us to help you stay on track!
If you need any assistance to find a new trainer, ask the TruBe team to help you!
Stay safe and see hope to see you soon!
Love, Eithne x