Best Bodyweight Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Sometimes our increasing work schedule and hectic lifestyles make it difficult for us to get to the gym. Maybe you’d prefer to do fitness from the comfort of your own home or garden? Perhaps you want to train outside and want to make the most of your local park and its surroundings?

Luckily we have curated an array of bodyweight workouts that you can do pretty much anywhere, and we’ve listed them by body parts.

1.) Chest workouts

  • Push Ups – The simple but effective exercise to build chest, shoulders and triceps. You can either position the hands wider to engage more of the chest or narrower to engage the triceps. Repeat for 30 secs. For beginners it’s fine to come onto your knees!
  • Plank Rotations – Begin in the press up position and rotate onto one side on one arm until it is pointing up to the sky. Return to the press up position and do the same with the other arm – Repeat for 30 secs. For beginners feel free to come onto the knees when changing sides, and then hold the position once over the other side.
  • Shoulder Taps – Begin in the press up position and bring one hand up to tap the opposite shoulder as fast as possible, return to the press up position and repeat with the other arm. Spread the arms wider to engage more of the chest. Repeat for 30 secs. For beginners come onto the knees.

Repeat all exercises 3 to 4 times round with a minutes rest in between (or shorter to make more challenging!).

2.) Back workouts

  • Pull ups – Find a solid bar or frame strong enough to hold your weight (a local park football goal or play park bars will do nicely!) With your arms in a Y position, grab the bar in an overhand grip. Hang at a full extension, raise up to chin level, pause for a second and then lower to the full extension again. Aim for between 6 -10 repetitions. For beginners, jump to reach the bar so that the chin meets the top, and then extend in the negative phase for a slow count of 5 for the same repetitions. Release, jump again, and repeat.
  • Hyper extensions or lower back raises – Lie flat on the floor face down and position arms by the sides of the ears. Firmly planting the toes into the ground, raise the torso so your chest and abs come off of the floor engaging only your lower back. Keep slow and controlled, with a brief second pause at the top, aim for between 6 -10 repetitions.
  • Body Rows – Find a bench or low bar (bike bars are perfect), and position your body underneath so you are hanging from the bench bar in an overhand grip, with the body kept straight. Keep the core tight, with the legs straight resting on the heels. You want to be in the position of a reverse push up so to speak with the arms soft. Pull up the chest to the bar as if you were rowing the body toward the bar/ bench, hold for a one second pause, and lower. Repeat 10 times.

Repeat all of these workouts in a circuit, 3 to 4 times with a minutes rest in between.

3.) Arm workouts

  • Chin Ups – Similar to the pull up, but instead approach the bar with a close grip with the palms facing towards you in an underhand grip to work the biceps. Repeat the same as before for 6 – 10 repetitions. Include the 1 second pause. To make this more challenging, when releasing the chin up to go back down form the bar, do so to a count of 5. This is called the negative phase and targets the biceps much more throughly in the eccentric phase. Again for beginners, jump to reach the bar in the contracted phase, and release to a count of 5 in the negative phase and repeat.
  • Tricep Dips – Can be done either on a bench or on the floor. Sit on the floor upright with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands flat on the floor with your fingers facing toward the legs. lift your torso so that your hands and feet are supporting you upright. Dip the elbows (not the core) to engage the triceps. Repeat for 8-10 reps. For beginners come onto the bum for support if need be and just engage the arms to dip.
  • Close grip push ups – Start in the push up position but bring the palms close together. Try and create a diamond shape with your index fingers and thumbs underneath your chest as a reference for form. Begin the push ups as before, with the narrower grip engaging the triceps specifically. Aim for 10 repetitions. Beginners can come onto knees if need be!

Repeat in a circuit 3 to 4 times with a minutes rest in between.

4.) Leg workouts

  • Squats – Begin with the legs slightly wider than shoulder width with the feet pointing at a slight angle (45 degrees, or with the right foot pointing at between 1-2 on a clock and the left pointing at between 10-11). Keeping the torso upright as much as possible, position the arms either crossed with a hand on each shoulder, or by the ear, and bend down to just below a seated position. Extend back up to a point where the knees are slightly bent and repeat. Aim for 30 seconds maximum effort. This is a great compound exercise targeting all of the legs muscles.
  • Alternate Lunges – Start in a standing position with the torso straight and the legs together. Bring one leg out around half a metre in front so the knee is fully bent at a 90 degree angle. Ensure the extended legs’ knee is not over the toes of the supporting foot, and the back leg is bent fully but that the knee does not touch the floor. Power back to standing and then repeat with the opposite leg for 30 seconds as many repetitions as possible. This will target both the quads and hamstrings and glutes in both legs alternately at the same time.
  • Glue bridge – Lie flat on the floor on the back. Bring the feet up flat on the floor so the knees are bent as if you were to do a sit-up. Then powering through the heels, raise the torso so the shoulders remain flat on the floor, but that the rest of the body is lifted. Arms can either be placed flat on the floor or on the thighs. Slow and controlled is the way to do this exercise, with a one second pause at the top, returning to the floor at a count of 5. Repeat for a count of 10 repetitions.

Repeat all exercises 3 to 4 times with a minutes rest in between.

5.) Core workouts

  • Plank – Simple and effective – Lie on the front on the forearms and elbows, being on the toes with the legs. Keep the core tight in a straight position, not arching the back at any point or dipping the hips. Hold this position for 30 seconds – 1 minute depending on ability.
  • Side plank hip dips – Start in the plank position and rotate over to one side so one arm is outstretched facing the sky, and the other supporting the torso. Legs should be crossed, positioned on the sides of the feet. Keeping this position, dip the hip closest to the floor just to the point before it touches, and then raise so the opposite hip (facing the sky) is up as far as you can reach. Repeat this 10 times and switch sides and repeat. This engages both core and shoulders, but the supporting arms’ shoulder gets a hell of a workout with each dip!
  • Leg raises – Lying flat on the floor on the back, keep the legs straight and raise above 1 inch from the floor so the core contracts. Raise the legs only (keeping them straight) as high as possible, ideally with soles of the feet facing the sky, and keep the bum and upper body flat on the floor. Now lower to the starting point of being an inch from the floor and repeat. Do as many as possible within 30 seconds. For beginners, or if finding difficult to keep legs straight, instead bring the knees into the chest, and extend the legs straight toward the starting position, as opposed to raising straight up towards the sky.

Repeat all exercises 3 to 4 times with a minutes rest in between.

Written by TruBe Trainer By Josh Ward

Don’t forget that our TruBe trainers can come to you right in the comfort of your own home!

To book a session with Josh, download the app and find him as one of our featured trainers.

5 body circuit based workouts

Now we have done the individual exercises to specific body parts, we can can now look at some full body circuit based workouts for a more comprehensive regime.

6.) Aerobic Compounds – This workout is designed to work full body exercises in a circuit for as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes with a minutes rest after all 6 exercises. Great for testing and improving aerobic fitness (and anaerobic once you tire!) and muscular endurance.

Jumping Jacks – 30 repetitions
Burpees – 30 repetitions
Split lunges – 30 repetitions
Plank to Push up position – 30 repetitions
Lower back raises – 30 repetitions
Jump squats – 30 repetitions

Do as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes, and make a note of your progress. Repeat two to three times weekly with a days rest in between!

7.) The plank challenge – Simple but effective, hold that plank for as long as possible (tip if the shoulders, core, legs, back, begin to tire, rock slightly back or forward on the toes to shift the position slightly, keep that core down though!) Repeat 3 times once you have gone for as long as you can, resting for two minutes in between.

8.) Army conditioning – I learnt this once from my time training to get in the armed forces. Run your best mile and a half distance in as fast a time as possible, then after a few minutes rest go for as many push ups as you can in 2 minutes. Then rest for a minute and do the same for sit ups. Make a note of your times. Just an FYI of a good time to aim for below 9 and a half minutes is parachute regiment standards, and above 70 sit ups and 60 push ups is great. A really impressive time is under 9 minutes and over 80 reps for the sit ups and push ups 😉 Ladies aim for under 11 minutes for the run, 40 push ups (knees are fine) and 50 sit ups!.

9.) The Electric Chair – Another simple but effective one. Begin with the back against the wall and slide down until you are at a 90 degree angle as if sitting on a chair. Stay here, for as long as you can, and feel those quads and glutes work! Make note of your times and repeat once a week. Once tried I think you’ll see what it’s named the Electric Chair!

10.) Spartan 600.

The best until last!

Begin with running a mile in as fast a time as possible.

When finished allow for a few minutes rest, then begin three simple exercises for the following repetitions.

10 Pull Ups

20 Push Ups

30 Squats

Repeat these exercises 10 times with a minutes rest after each set of Pull Ups, Push ups and Squats.

Once you have done all 600 hundred repetitions, (yes 600!)
finish off with a final mile run…

I can guarantee this mile will feel like a marathon. Note your times down for the run and circuit. and repeat once a week to see how you improve. Try for a month and see how you get on!”

Introducing Yolanda, Personal Trainer and Professional Performer

Yolanda is one of our newest TruBe trainers specialising in Personal Training and Ballet Fit. She holds extensive skills in calisthenics as well as TRX making her an expert in improving flexibility, strength and muscle tone. As a professional dancer she has over 10 years experience being part of world famous Lion King at the Lyceum Theatre.

Why did you sign up to be a TruBe Trainer?

I want to empower people by helping them take control of their health and fitness goals. The benefits of training are not just limited to improving your physique. The confidence gained and the mental satisfaction that clients enjoy from reaching targets and exceeding their own expectations surpasses this. TruBe provides a flexible and accessible way of allowing me to share this.

What is your biggest client success story?

A client came to me with a goal which was purely to lose weight. I shifted the focus towards skill based goals alongside her weight loss goals. This transformed her physique, but most importantly improved her mindset. She fell in love with her training and gained the knowledge and confidence to maintain that level of fitness in her lifestyle. She learned to embrace her body and feel proud of what it was capable of.

What is your greatest achievement?

Establishing a career as a performer in the west end and coming back stronger after an injury, which caused me to be on crutches for six weeks.


What is your favourite way to finish off the end of a session?

An intense core finisher followed by a relaxing deep stretch.

How do you motivate yourself and do you have a favourite motivational quote?

My favourite motivational quotes are “a comfort zone is a beautiful place but nothing ever grows there” and “strong body = strong mind”. Variety is the key to motivation for me. I like to do a bit of everything from ballet fit, callisthenics, strength training to yoga in my training. This keeps things fresh and challenges my body and mind. I always have a lot of goals on the go and I love to immerse myself in making them happen. If motivation wavers, discipline is my go to!   


How do you find balance in your life?

As a trainer and performer, it’s so wonderful to do a job you love, but it’s important to take time out with friends and family. I also ensure I make time to train for myself, as that’s my meditation. I’m working on listening to my body, when my body tells me to rest, I know I need to before it forces me to!

How do you treat yourself?

Dinner with friends and maybe the odd purchase of some new training gear!!!

To book a session with Yolanda, download the app and find her as one of our featured trainers.

5 Ways That Yoga Can Help Runners

Runners have a tremendous amount to gain from adding yoga to their fitness regimes. Due to its repetitive nature, running may lead to injuries and musculoskeletal imbalances which can be uncomfortable and disrupt your day to day life. Yoga can complement the discipline of running as it can restore balance and symmetry to the body.

In particular, through Yoga, runners can improve:



Yoga stretches the muscles that are tight, which in turn increases the range of motion in related joints. Increased flexibility decreases stiffness, results in greater ease of movement and the reduction of aches and pains.


Running mostly strengthens the lower body, therefore certain muscles become strong while others are underused and remain weak. A balanced yoga practice involves the entire body which allows the unused muscles to be strengthened—specifically in the arms, upper torso, abdominals, and back. Strengthening the upper body and core helps improve posture during daily activities and also while running. A strong core allows the arms and legs to move more efficiently and results in less fatigue. Additionally it allows for less weight impact on the legs which reduces the risk of injury. It is also essential for runners to strengthen the muscles in their lower body for a healthy range of motion.



Overusing some muscles while underusing others creates muscular imbalances, which affect the entire musculoskeletal balance and impairs biomechanical efficiency. For runners, biomechanical imbalances eventually lead to pain and injury. Through Yoga, runners can become stronger by improving their balance through the focus of their energy and mind thus reducing the chance of injury.


Lung capacity is of prime importance for runners, because it creates the ability to maintain an even breathing pattern through all phases of running. The better the lung capacity is, the more oxygen is circulated through the system, which is most helpful for general running. However, the breathing pattern used in running and other forms of aerobic exercise involves quick and shallow inhalations and exhalations. This uses only the top portion of the lungs, leaving the middle and lower portions untouched. Yogic breathing involves slow, deep inhalations and long exhalations, making use of the upper, middle, and lower portions of the lungs. Yogic breathing has been shown to increase lung capacity, and greater lung capacity increases endurance and improves overall athletic performance.


Many forms of exercise deplete the body of its energy stores. Yet a yoga practice oxygenates the blood and creates more energy, leaving the body and mind feeling restored and energized. Yoga provides a vehicle through which the body can actively recover from the physical demands of running.

By Gandha Savio

If running is included in your regular exercise routine, why not unwind and try a TruBe yoga session to replenish your energy. You can search Gandha’s Profile in the TruBe trainers page.

You can also view our wide range of expert trainers who specialise in various other workout disciplines.

Click here to book a session

TruBe are proud to announce that we are an official partner of the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon taking place on the 8th October 2017! We will be running the half marathon workshops which are held in July and September and will host the complimentary assisted cool down area on race day for all runners! Click here to find out more


Top 5 Healthy London Places to Take Her This Mother’s Day

We all love our mothers and we all know how much they do for us. Here at TruBe we love celebrating that one day a year where mothers are truly praised. For those who are stuck on what to do for her special day, TruBe have come up with our top 5 favourite healthy places to eat in London. So, show her some love this Mother’s Day by spoiling her with not just any meal, but a deliciously healthy meal, because staying healthy doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some amazing restaurants in London.

Here’s our guide of the 5 best healthy restaurants and lunch spots to take mum this Mother’s Day:

  1. BlueBird, 350 King’s Rd, Chelsea, London SW3 5UU



Situated in the heart of Chelsea on the Kings Road, BlueBird oozes decadence and luxury in its restaurant, bar and cafe. At street level is the bustling cafe, perfect for afternoon tea and brunches and also a perky food store. The European menu in the restaurant, which is on the first floor,  includes a variety of delicious small plates and sharing dishes as well as exquisite main courses that will leave you feeling satisfied but guilt free! Dishes include seared salmon with a shaved fennel salad and steamed sea bream with a tomato and grape relish. That’s definitely got our mouths watering!

2.  Grain Store, Granary Square, 1-3 Stable St, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AB


(Image: TripAdvisor)

This award winning restaurant is the perfect place if you’re looking for a quirky industrial-chic feel, as it occupies part of a former victorian warehouse allowing for an open kitchen. The incredible chef, Bruno Loubet who has been an exclusive chef in London since 1993, has created a sustainable and innovative menu with no geographical boundaries and special emphasis on vegetables. Perfect for achieving your 5 a day! Why not try the delicious carrot & mandarin purée, potted green cabbage, parsnip croquette, Arctic char with parsley sauce, or the adventourous Brambletye farm oyster mushrooms in vegan XO sauce, wasabi pea coulis and herb tofu.

3. The Good Life Eatery, 20 Motcomb Street London SW1X 8LB UK


(Image: The Culture Whisper)

A fabulous spot for healthy superfoods, The Good Life Eatery boasts incredible smoothie bowls and lively salads; for example their Miso Hungry Macro Bowl of roasted butternut squash, homemade kimchi, steamed broccoli, mixed wild rice or quinoa, 1/2 avocado, omega seeds and ginger miso dressing. If you’re looking for something more wholesome, look no further than their warm bowls of rice or quinoa and your choice of protein ranging from green chicken meatballs to teriyaki salmon. Their philosophy of ‘The Good Life’ means no wifi, perfect for spending a distraction-free meal with mum.

4. Farmacy, 74 Westbourne Grove, London W2 5SH


(Image: The Telegraph)

Situated in the lavish area of Notting Hill, Farmacy brings you comfort food at an incredibly healthy standard. With a view that ‘food is medicine’, every food choice at this restaurant will ensure guilt-free pleasures whilst nourishing and satisfying your tummies! They boast fantastically healthy alternatives to scrumptious cuisines like their Mexican Bowl of sprouted coriander rice, romaine, guacamole, frijoles, tomato ceviche, salsa & ‘sour cream’ topped with purple potato mash, corn chips & chipotle mayo and their Chef’s Clean Curry of pumpkin, eggplant, carrot & broccoli cooked in coconut milk, lemongrass & spices, served with sprouted brown rice.

5. Chucs Restaurant, 30 Dover St, Mayfair, London W1S 4NB


(Image: Time Out)

If you’re looking for an extravagant meal at extravagant prices, look no further than the prestigious Chucs Restaurant in Mayfair. With sophisticated interiors, this restaurant oozes elegance and will be sure to make mum feel like the queen she is! The menu boasts fresh and exquisite ingredients with dishes like their grilled octopus with potatoes, rocket, taggiasca olives, cherry tomatoes and grilled courgettes, or their fresh homemade tagliatelle prawns and courgettes.

Why not compliment her meal with a fabulous gift card from TruBe and give the gift of health and fitness this Mother’s Day.

We offer gift cards for 4, 8 and 12 sessions, and all workouts are included, offering her so much choice! One day she could experience a relaxing yoga session, the next a dynamic, personalised personal training session.



Don’t forget all of our TruBe trainers are fully qualified fitness experts who specialise in various workouts such as Yoga, Ballet Fit, Personal Training, Boxing, Kickboxing and Pilates.

Meet our trainers and book a session!