“We should not exercise the body without the joint assistance of the mind; nor exercise the mind without the joint assistance of the body.” – Plato
The Ancient Greeks certainly knew and this philosophy is even more important today!
Healthy body, healthy mind. It’s no secret that the two intertwine with each other to give us the best opportunity to support our wellbeing to live a fit and happy lifestyle.
A healthy heart, supple joints, and strong bones along with increased flexibility help us to navigate our increasingly hectic lifestyles. Most recently our collective immune systems have had to double down against a global pandemic and increasingly resistant strains of infections. Ensuring our physical fitness is maintained and nurtured is key to modern living.
This is obviously widely accepted and understood. But what about our mental health? Why do so many of us neglect and even ignore the importance of a strong mind and emotional wellbeing? As far back as the Ancient Greek civilization, the philosophy of physical and mental wellbeing as an inseparable concept was considered an almost sacred condition for life.
Plato’s observation is as relevant now as it was in classical Athens. But what do we mean by mental strength and wellbeing? How do we view physical activity in order not to see it as something we “have to do”, “should do”, or “ought to do” for our health, but as something that we do because we personally value its positive benefits to our total wellbeing?
Mental wellbeing does not have a single universal definition but it does encompass the sense of feeling good about ourselves, the ability to deal with the highs and lows of life and having a sense of purpose and feeling valued.
Whatever your age, we know that being physically active can help us to lead a mentally healthier life and can improve wellbeing. Regular exercise and physical activity are proven to enhance and positively develop our mental fortitude. The data backs this up. A 2021 comprehensive research from the John W. Brick Foundation which compiled information from over 1,000 studies conducted over the previous thirty years, showed that 89% of studies found a statistical positive link between physical activity and mental health. (source: ihrsa.org)
Whatever your age, we know that being physically active can help us to lead a mentally healthier life and can improve wellbeing. Regular exercise and physical activity are proven to enhance and positively develop our mental fortitude. The data backs this up. A 2021 comprehensive research from the John W. Brick Foundation which compiled information from over 1,000 studies conducted over the previous thirty years, showed that 89% of studies found a statistical positive link between physical activity and mental health. (source: ihrsa.org)

At TruBe, our emphasis is on a consistent exercise journey, sustained over time to offer the greatest benefits for your mental wellbeing. With our new Unlimited 1:1 online sessions, you can have just that! Our training sessions are all tailormade to suit your individual goals and aspirations. We combine a multitude of disciplines that recondition your physical fitness and also recondition your brain power and mental acuity to respond to the demands of any task. We encourage you to focus not just on your ultimate objective but also on the mental strategies that you need to overcome smaller challenges that life puts in our way.
Self-worth and self-esteem are key indicators of our mental and physical wellbeing and adopting a more active lifestyle is the first step to achieving a better, stronger and emotionally resilient you. So as we reach the end of Mental Health Awareness month of May, tap into your psyche and make that commitment to remain true to yourself and look after your body AND mind!